Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The President Reads "Where the Wild Things Are"

I believe children's ministry is one of the hardest there is. My respect towards people grows or slacks depending on how they act towards kids. I was quite amused to see this Video of Obama

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A boat ramp- how do you not see a boat ramp?

Was quite amused to see this story in the papers. Apparently

A New South Wales woman travelling in the Northern Territory accidentally submerged her four-wheel-drive in a crocodile-infested river after mistaking a boat ramp for a river crossing.

Photographs released by police show a crocodile lurking close to where the woman's white Troop Carrier became stranded in the East Alligator River, about 300 kilometres east of Darwin.

Police said the woman had mistaken a boat ramp for Cahill's Crossing, where vehicles are able to cross the river between Kakadu and Arnhem Land.

In 1987, a 40-year-old man was decapitated by a five metre crocodile near the area where the woman's car became submerged.

Two people, including a 11-year-old girl, have been killed by crocodiles in the Territory this year.

Police say the woman was able to get out of her vehicle and back to the riverbank without any problems from crocodiles.

But they have reminded tourists to take extreme care near Top End waterways.

"Members of the public need to be reminded that when travelling through the NT it is their responsibility to research the area and be aware of the extreme road conditions, especially that of remote areas," Brevet Sergeant Ben Higgins said.

"All water crossings should be considered extremely dangerous and exceptional care should be taken to avoid similar incidents such as these, especially considering the number and size of crocodiles that inhabit remote waterways."

Yeah I can see how a boat ramp looks like a river crossing :D

Monday, July 13, 2009


Noticed how the POMs seem to take more importance out of beating us than we seem to do. Having said that gone are the days where we were writing songs for events. Here are some of the best for this ashes. I think the 2nd is slightly better.

Friday, July 03, 2009

Danny Boy Version 2

This version is better and probably reflects my attempts to sing it more. Kudos to Justine Beal for giving me this

Danny Boy by Celtic Woman

Realised the other day though I have sung the tune many times I have never actually heard the original Danny Boy song. I always have a go at church in hitting the high notes but never seem to quite make it :) oh well one day. P.S. sorry about the quality.