This question has puzzled many of the great thinkers Plato himself said 'Yes it does go fast but where does it go' Yoda said 'Indeed Fast the van goes.' The answer to this question must be As fast as a van can go.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Cup Fever! Masterchef
Monday, July 12, 2010
Chaser's are back
THE controversial Chaser comedy team will soon return to TV in a series of five election specials to air on the ABC.
After nearly a year off our screens the Chaser boys will serve up a new show called YES WE CANBERRA!
The comedy group created international headlines in Sydney in 2007 when they breached the APEC conference cordon in a fake Canadian motorcade carrying a team member dressed as Osama bin Laden.
But last year they were sin binned by ABC management for two weeks mid way through the third series of The Chaser’s War on Everything after a skit poking fun at terminally ill children was slammed.
The new show is a case of back to the future for the group who began their television career with 2001’s Logie nominated The Election Chaser, under the watchful eye of industry legend Andrew Denton.
Since then they have covered two more elections – the 2004 and 2007 polls.
But this time the comedians will be trialling a new format.
The premise will be the only job they can get is as warm up guys for the ABC’s flagship current affair’s program, Lateline, so they’ll be doing their coverage from there.
"Most people don't know that Lateline is filmed in front of a live studio audience," said executive producer and star Julian Morrow
"That's the problem - they're terribly quiet. So the ABC hired us to rev them up a bit. Hopefully, we can help Tony (Jones) and Leigh (Sales) receive the wild applause, hollers and whoops they deserve."
While the public has seen little of the comedians since last year’s comedians they haven’t been idle.
And they certainly haven’t lost their taste for pithy humour.
They’ve spent the last 12 months developing their iPhone and iPad applications pumping out stories like “Refugee policy: Gillard regrets East Timorese independence" and "Dannii Minogue gives birth to babii boii”.
So politicians, even the wounded Kevin Rudd, shouldn’t be expecting any sympathy.
“Our biggest target until two weeks ago was Kevin Rudd, so we had a little burning ceremony of those scripts,” Julian Morrow told
“We do like to kick a man while he’s down and he’s pretty far down... he’s not out of bounds and we found it quite hard to get to him when he was Prime minister.
“I think Kevin will appreciate any media attention.”
And controversial issues like immigration won’t be off the agenda either.
“It’s really great to combine harsh policies that exploit people with comedy, it’s a natural strength for us,” says Morrow.
“We will be running all of our jokes past Xanana Gusmao before we do them just to make sure we’ve got the right person, on board… is that who we ask or is it Ramos-Horta?” added fellow Chaser member Craig Reucassel.
And while the team will be zeroing in serial the usual suspects - like Senator Bill Heffernan, Barnaby Joyce and Wilson ‘Ironbar’ Tuckey - Morrow and Reucassel admit over the years they have got more than a few decent comebacks from their targets.
“Mark Latham initially was quite fun… particularly when he was slightly drunk,” says Reucassel.
“Peter Costello initially rebuffed us totally but later on he started dancing with us and he would start singing and doing strange things and he would actually make the piece.”
“Tony Abbott started off by never talking to us, he’d just walk away and never say a word, and then he’d start interacting - he’s actually got a bit of a sense of humour as well.”
“Bob Brown is actually got a pretty good sense of humour, he’s happy to play along it’s just that even when Bob’s upbeat, a bit giddy and laughing it’s still a quite dull,” adds Morrow.
But the Chaser’s new show will not be the only funny take on this year’s election.
Wil Anderson’s The Gruen Transfer will become Gruen Nation and analyse political advertising and campaign strategy in the lead up the poll.
It will air directly before YES WE CANBERRA!
YES WE CANBERRA! will air on Wednesday’s at 9.45pm in the month before the election and will feature an election special the week after the poll.
The Stupid Cup (Rémi GAILLARD)
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Off on Camp

Nyani pressed his thumb against the limb of the buyu tree and again a dudu (lice) died.
The grandfather of many monkeys was filled with scorching anger. He chattered long and loudly as he climbed through the limbs of his favorite buyu tree.
He swung from a limb and confided his troubles to the ear of Twiga the giraffe.
"O Twiga, there are dudus of the baser sort in this buyu tree. Everyone has fleas; ticks are irritating but at least respectable. But lice!--NO!"
Nyani shuddered delicately, wrinkled his nose and scratched vigorously at the very thought.
Twiga listened with no little sympathy, moistening his lips with his long black tongue.
"No doubt the resting of vultures on the limbs of your family tree will account for this unhappy circumstance," he ventured.
Nyani flew into a rage and leaped from limb to limb.
That bird of disgusting ways, that eater of carrion, that, that, that..."
Words failed him.
He trailed off into high-pitched chatter.
Twiga twisted her long tongue gently over the irritable tip of his black nose and remarked mildly, "Should you act with firmness, Nyani, it is unlikely that vulture will light on your buyu tree."
Nyani listened with interest and scratched with decorum.
Twiga went on.
You cannot stop vultures flying over your buyu tree but you can stop them from roosting there."
Nyani thought for a time and the matter became clear to his monkey intelligence. Immediately he set about collecting stones to be kept in the hollow limb for use in such an emergency.
Daudi threw some sticks on the campfire. A shower of sparks lit up the faces of his listeners.
"Koh," said Daudi's listeners, "this, great one, is a riddle of depth." The dispenser waved his finger at them.
"You can't stop them flying over. You can stop them from roosting," he prompted.
A whispering went on, barely louder than the song of the cricket, and then one laughed.
The answer, great one, is this. For Shaitan (Satan) the devil to whisper in your ear is not sin, but to stop and listen is a different matter."
Daudi nodded slowly. "Truly, temptation isn't sin. You can't stop Shaitan (Satan) the devil's voice from reaching your ears, but to take notice of what he suggests and do it--that is sin.
Look at God's words for yourself. The letter that James wrote, chapter one, verse 12 (James 1:12) and those that follow."
M'gogo murmured the reference over and over. At first light in the morning he would read it in his new Book.
As the sun came over the baobabs, he read:
"Each man is tempted when he is drawn away by his own lust and enticed. Then the lust, when it hath conceived, beareth sin, and the sin, when it is full grown, bringeth forth death."