This question has puzzled many of the great thinkers Plato himself said 'Yes it does go fast but where does it go' Yoda said 'Indeed Fast the van goes.' The answer to this question must be As fast as a van can go.
Friday, September 30, 2011
What is Star wars?
John Carter Trailer 2012 -- Official Movie Trailer | HD
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
You know you are from PNG when...
* You can have cordial 4 breakfast.
* You have buai and smoke for Lunch.
* You still live with your parents even though you're 30
* U bring your boyfriend/girlfriend to the house and everyone's concluded that you are married!
* You wear board shorts to cruz in town even though u r not going 4 a swim
* You share one cigarette with five other people
* Your Mother gives your father Black eyes
* You have about 3 families living in one house
* Still keep drinking even though you can barely talk and walk
* At any major function, instead of a plate, your food comes in a plastic container
* You run into a mountain of Slippers blocking the front door.
* Your staple diet is rice and tin fish or Ox & palm.
* You have a huge gap between your first two toes, (excessive thongwear...)
* Swimming pool is filled with people wearing t-shirts, (Females)
* You can sprint barefoot on sharp stones and rocks.
* You wake up and go straight to work or classes
* At crossings, your supposed 2 wait 4 the car to stop b4 crossing, not the other way around.
* Your first and last names are the same. ( John John )
* You have a perpetually drunk Uncle who starts fights at every family gathering
* You call a friend - (squad),
* Every time you greet someone he says "YOU"?
* You have sat in a 4-seater car with up to 8 other people.
* You can speak with your face - eg. Twitch like a rabbit to ask, Where you going?"
* Your Grandmother thinks Vicks Vapour-Rub is the miracle cure for everything (including broken bones...)
* You're getting a hiding and your parents yell at you as to,"Why you are crying for?" ("you karai lo wanem ah ......")
* You've been shamed and belted up by your Mother in front of schoolmates at the Supermarket.
* You're a Tycoon on your payday by shouting everyone and scab money off people till the next fortnight.
* You invite people over for dinner and your family all of a sudden says the grace.
* You've had an afro at some stage in your life (boys AND girls) and thought you looked cool.
* You're at your Aunties and see your 6 year old cousin doing household chores.
* Your Aunty visits and she's talking to you at the same time as looking in your pots for food...
* You think PMV Bus door can hold nearly 10 people
* You go to your village rich and come back poor.
* If you cannot recall peoples names you call them ‘raitmen’ or ‘raitmeri’
* You have lap laps for curtains in your house.
* You empty your pay packet on Friday & over the weekend, by Monday you go looking for Dinau Moni
PNG EM BEST YAH………….Ha ha ha ha a a a a …..
Now, stop laughing and send it over to other proud Papua New Guineans.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Couldn't help but repost this... still a classic
This version is better and probably reflects my attempts to sing it more. Kudos to Justine Beal for giving me this
BOATLIFT, An Untold Tale of 9/11 Resilience
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Brain Mush
HAVE you found yourself watching TV while talking on the phone and checking your emails?
Already distracted reading that sentence? Well, you're not alone, the Herald Sun reported.
The internet has not only changed our lives, it's changed the way our brains work, according to research by visiting UK social psychologist Sheila Keegan.
Dr Keegan says the internet is reducing our ability to think and concentrate and, with long-term use, could cause brain dysfunction.
"We spend huge and a growing number of hours on the internet and, as a result, our brains are returning to shallow thinking," she said.
"We are being more easily distracted, and our thinking has developed a staccato quality that lacks concentration.
"The problem is so widespread that studies have also concluded that long-term internet addiction would result in chronic dysfunction of our brains, which is a pretty scary thought!"
Dr Keegan said more research was needed to be done on the long-term effects of persistent use of the internet, particularly in young children.
She said US research had revealed some children as young as five spent up to six hours a day in front of a screen. Lengthy periods spent alone in front of the TV or on the computer meant many young children were not developing the social skills they needed for later life.
"Kids need to have a good balance. They can learn a lot from the internet," she said.
"But the human brain is quite malleable. It's hard to say what the long-term effects will be. There needs to be research. But it's a bit like climate change. We can't wait for it to happen."
Dr Keegan presented her paper, Are we losing our minds and should we be bothered?, at the Australian Marketing and Social Research conference in Sydney this week.
Read more:
Sunday, September 04, 2011
Flaring Up - Surfing with a Flare - Red Bull Minor Threat
Saturday, September 03, 2011
Friday, September 02, 2011
No phone reception for the brotherhood