Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Science deafens us to God.

Article in the Sydney Morning Herald:Science deafens us to God, Pope tells his people . I was all fired up to deliver a fire and brimstone blog on this but then i actually realized that it was another case of media talking out of context. So that cut my legs out from under me. What the pope is actually saying is that Europe needs to wake up to God. He then follows it up with 'Europe should not let science and reason make it "deaf" to God' He isn't of course saying that they are bad but due to the current (media) culture "What is said about God strikes us as pre-scientific, no longer suited for our age." The more I hear from the pope the more encouraged i am that there is still hope for the Roman Catholics. But now i need some to blog about and I don't have the energy to launch into a tirade about the media.
So instead I believe that Us scientists (and possibly Medical ppl) Have an advantage over many of you in that our occupations strengthen our faith. The more i get down on a cellular level the more I am convinced of a designer: The more I get out into nature The more I'm convinced of a loving creator. (It is for this I think we should all be at least mildly conservationist at heart- No one I know was converted by chopped down trees- but I do know people who have been converted by Wonder of creation) The More Fishing I do the more I'm convinced God has a sense of humour. http://www.lafishmag.com/CrucifixFish.html


Tim said...

Feel free to try and prove how your occupataion strengthens your faith... PR just doesn't cut it i'm afraid.

Anonymous said...

The more I work with people the more I realise that they're sinful - therefore I'm compelled to agree with Christianity and hence my faith is strengthened.

Anonymous said...

The more I work with people the more I realise that they're sinful - therefore I'm compelled to agree with Christianity and hence my faith is strengthened.

Tim said...

sorry nathan- that is a common one for any job not just your area. There fore since it isn't even close to be job specific No good. Not even when you try it twice

Anonymous said...

Hey timoti,
You wanpela blari nerd eh! Whats all this pompous pontificating! Good on ya! Not quite as pompous as Richard D's blogging but nerdy all the same! I like the fish ya got in Tube tube...nice one!
Maybe you can give me a front page link for my Myspace page...give us a bit of bloggin advertising!!
Cheers mate

Anonymous said...

Oh I ran out of space to put my web address...here it is....please give me a link!!! http://www.myspace.com/sensitivefreightmusic

Tim said...

hey brata yu bin wokim wanem ya? Mi bin linkim yu pinis. yu lukim lo photo site bilong mi or dispela tasol?

Anonymous said...

I was like that doing grade 11 and 12 biology. Watching some of those videos I was like "how can you NOT believe a creator was necessary for all this?!"

Anonymous said...

Hey barra,
Thenkyu tru...mi lukim foto bilong yu pinis. Ai yu save hukim bigpela fis tumas! Rait manki!
Tenkyu long puttim link blo mi long blog blo yu! Mi na femili blong mi bai go back gen long PNG long Octoba.
Lukim yu