Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Well I've was told I had to create one of these. But I didn't want to. I can't think of much worse things than a public record of my bad spelling and then having people who don't even have the guts to write their real name take pot shots at simple things you've done wrong just because you don't have time to proof read things because hey- I have a life. Not like some people who will remain nameless and sit at computers at work and then return home and sit at their computer there too. No mentioning any names but here is a link to their blog. The person who shall remain nameless Which leads me to another question How much human contact does one need to stay sane. I mean I don't suffer from insanity I enjoy every moment of it, (had to put that in before someone else did) (Not that anyone else currently knows about this blog) (maybe I'll just post things from me myself and I and pretend I have friends) but surely w/o human contact you suffer. And I mean face to face contact using more than one of your senses- not chatting on-line which destroys vocab-c? LOL. Or on the phone or 2-way radio (which has left dad with an annoying tendency to say over in phone calls) but face to face. Tell me what you think.
'Sane or Sanity considered as a legal term denotes that an individual is of sound mind and therefore can bear legal responsibility for his or her actions. It is generally defined in terms of the absence of insanity. It is not a medical term, although the opinions of medical experts are often important in making a legal decision as to whether someone is sane or insane. It is also not the same concept as mental illness. One can be acting under profound mental illness and yet be sane, and one can also be ruled insane without an underlying mental illness.
Sanity outside of legal definitions has been little explored by science and medicine, as the concentration has been on illness. Dr. P.S. Graven suggested the term "un-sane" to describe a condition that is not exactly insane, but not quite sane either.' (wikipedia)