Well due to some complaints about the length of my last blog I'll endeavor to make this a shorter one and due to lack of any interesting topics It will be all about me.
But before I begin let me extend my congratulations to cb and arty (both recent posters on my blog) on their engagement.
Exciting news.... I'm heading to PNG- most of you already know this but I still like to say it over and over again. On Thursday I'm heading out up to Cairns then Friday at 6 am catching flight to Port Moresby (black line) then Blue line to Ukarumpa which is where mum and dad are based and my little brother is graduating from (American system). After his grad dad and will fly to alotau (red line) and then after a few days catch a boat out to Tubetube island (8 hrs and sort of bluish line) (I couldn't get the line to curve. )This is the language group where mum and dad work. I'll try to update my blog when I'm in uka and alotau but on the island we don't have phone lines so makes it a bit hard. If you want to see some photos of my island because you can't wait until I post some go to the links on the right and there is one for photos. It is, as cinta would say: 'Beautiful.'
This was written by a pilot who writes for a magazine called Beyond and wrote this about water safety and the need for it. They did the blue line boat trip out to our island and had rather a good trip according to dad. But yes very humorous looking at it through some one else's eyes.
http://www.jaars.org/publications/archives/beyond/bey26-4.shtml . It is set out funny but you'll figure it out being highly intelligent people. Side note the boat they were on was called 'Sago' (pronounced saa gooo) which translates to mean 'help' .
By the way the photo that was on the cover of the mag was taken from our front steps.
Hi Tim. Seems like everyone and their dog has a blog these days... Good to see you've caught up with the times and now i have yet another blog to forget to read. ;) Hope you have a great trip - hope to talk to you soon.
Hellooo Timothy.
Beautiful photo on the mag cover, it looks lovely.
Have a fantastic trip (I'm sure you will), see you when you get back!
Stay out of trouble... :)
I think Carla just made up words.
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