Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Too much

Let me just state right off the bat that I'm a conservationist. I posted on that in one of my earlier blogs. http://howfastcanavango.blogspot.com/2006/06/we-kill-world.html but that doesn't mean I encourage extreme methods of the greenie groups. For example putting nails in large tree forests so when the lumber jacks cut their chain on their chainsaws snap potentially killing them. I do believe the environment is important but not of equal importance to human life- we were put here to steward the world not be equal with it.
I did have a good chuckle at reading an article though- remember the whaling "letter delivery" aka piracy where 2 crewman jumped aboard a japanese whaler. The media seized on the vision of the people zip tied a rail saying- they were only just giving a letter to the captain. Well were they? apparently not. In an interview Capt Watson of the Steve Irwan said the two crewmen who boarded the Japanese whaling ship in January planted several tracking devices aboard which has enabled the Steve Irwin to keep in touch with the fleet. (http://news.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=72873)
Well well well- Calling upon the government in the article to act to seize the whalers who are breaching australian law while breaking them yourself... How different what we are called to as christians. We are called to be light in this world. The end never justifies the means. How we act is just as important as what we do.
Slightly off topic Carly has posted some good thoughts about image (http://carlys-ramblings.blogspot.com/) as is well worth reading.


Leah said...

apparently they left stuff on the boat's deck to make it slippery (in the hope of someone injuring themself, I imagine). That's wrong.

Leah said...

sorry, i didn't mean the "apparently" thing was wrong... I meant that it's wrong to purposely make a ship dangerous.