Thursday, November 04, 2010

Just get it right.

Don't you hate when you read a book or watch a movie and there is some inconsistency between them and the sequel. Normally it is pretty minor and we complain or whine about it and get over it. Not so This Red shirted guy. Ian Bates a 17 year old from Florida asked at a major Blizzard convection about an inconsistency in the game World of Warcraft's expansion game Cataclysm. (For video see below)

Credit to the Head designer- he could have just made up some excuse but instead thanked the kid for pointing it out and promised to get it fixed. Something which is a very minor detail but for Ian it is a big thing. See Ian suffers from Asperger's Syndrome and a statement dismissing him or making fun of him who have really hurt the kid.

It made me think about how sometimes our throw away comments can really hurt someone. I found this a great reason to think about what we say and be easily ready to admit we are wrong. I'm not advocating nitpicking (This can do just as much harm especially Spelling/Grammer Nazis) nor am I advocating sloppy work but rather I want us to think about the snap replies we make that can be hurtful.

For Ian it doesn't look like this will the end of the issue. Blizzard have released a screenshot from it's testing area. They have fixed the inconsistency. And given the Council member an assistant- Entitled The Wildhammer Fact checker. Not just any Wildhammer Fact checker but one wearing a red shirt. Good on them :) and good on Ian.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a Mum who plays Wow and has an autistic son, I did suspect Ian was on the Autism Spectrum. The comments people made were juvenile though, much as in game "retard" is used more frequently than punctuation.

I'm very impressed he had the courage to stand up in front of all those people!