Tuesday, October 05, 2010

With what attitude are we serving

This Song has been getting stuck in my head and call me happy clappy but I think its for a reason. I'm starting to think I may have a problem with my attitude in service. Let me just put these thoughts in context and in the big picture.

I was always brought up believing service is a key part (if not one of the main) of Christianity and when I was five my family demonstrated this when they moved to PNG as bible translators. Mum and Dad were there for over 20 years and are still serving with Wycliffe today. Thus I was always introduced to the thought- As a Christian YOU HELP OUT wherever and however you can and I believe that as a whole I have been serving and serving in many different ways. I try to help out with as much as I can and often do to much- (I've been the guy described as the one who will do anything to help out someone but wont help himself out.) My thought is this- I think I've been finding joy because I feel like I'm helping rather than I help because of the joy that I have in me. What that means is things, when repeated become chores and the joy I have at being helpful fades rapidly. It is only recently I think I have realised the joy and love mum and dad have for the gospel which makes them translate it and help other people translate in other languages. Not because they feel like they are helping out but because it is the end product of their joy in God.
However then I run into more problems, if we aren't serving why not? Should there be expectations place on people to serve knowing they are serving with the wrong motives. E.G. I know people who will only agree to things if it is upfront- visible service. They come in- make a big impact and take off leaving others to clean up. Now I know we all can have different roles but at what point does this become selfish and self serving? I remember doing adventure club you really do get addicted to the upfront buzz, but I can say confidently- I've learnt that the leader who quietly stays behind to pack up without moaning or complaining- well I'll take them any day over the upfront superstar. May God help me to be more humble and serve with joy not just joy because I feel like I'm doing something or that I'm something special.
(Cheers to Adam Tunnah for the introduction to the video/song too)

1 comment:

donski said...

What a wonderful thing to realise... i know God will continue to use you in his service, and your joy will grow as you grow in your knowledge of and love for him!!