Every now and again those who read my blog know that I come out and rant - this is going to be one of them- so buckle your seat belts and come along for the ride.
Firstly I would like insert a disclaimer that I am not having a go at anyone involved in this ministry- I respect them for seeing what needs to be done and jumping in. Also i am not having a go sitting at my desk- I also have helped out with this event in past years in every level from acting to picking up rubbish to ushering to Painting children's faces (badly). And God of course works though all our feeble efforts and does the work not us.
Now to THE RANT:
During the week here in townsville an event was run called "Stable on the Strand." (Our Esplanade) This has multiple areas namely: Stable tent, Stage show, youth area and Children's tent (sorry if i missed any areas) Tonight I'm mainly going to concentrate on point 1 and 2 with a little bit on 3 and 4 if your taking notes. (Sorry NTE joke)
In the lead up to the stable we were feeling the buzz from the various organisers about 'this wonderful evangelistic event'. Apparently 'every year the council lets us put more and more of the gospel in.' I allowed myself to be sucked in looking forward to seeing a refreshing presentation that can be shown to the 1000s of people who come in- many unchurched and often having no contact with the gospel at all and them hear a clear gospel message. Boy was I wrong...
The main focus was the stable tent which started well, there was the guide who announced that Christmas was all about hope and the three wise men/women who set the scene well- introducing Bethlehem. then we saw King Herod, Simeon and Anna, Pregnant Mary, dancing shepherds, baby Jesus and the people handing out bibles and the people blessing people and the prayer wall. The only problem was it was all rush and there was no clear message just a haphazard play on what it might have seen like in play form. but with no meat- I've done primary school plays with more meat. Sure its a great line 'Hope is born today' but what is the hope- there might be a fuzzy connection to Jesus in there somewhere, so he was born to give me hope: Great. I hope I finish uni one day is that the hope? I hope I get a girlfriend one day too- that must be what Jesus came for. NO Jesus came to save the world from their sins and to restore the relationship with God. But instead I was left with a wishy washy picture of Hope and no thrust of where it goes to next. As i read on the Prayer wall some one had thoughtfully put, obviously missing the whole point of blessing, "Lord please bless my telstra shares".
2ndly there was too many difficult things in the plays- I know my biblical accounts well but even i was confused with the interaction between Simeon and Anna followed by the starving family and Gabriel (Did Jesus come to give physical bread?).
3rdly why have people at the end blessing people- I thought it was great that they were handing about bibles and a decent version for ppl to understand. But then after that- hey you stood in line for an 1hr followed by crammed in small sections standing watching plays, have sore feet and probably kids needing to use the loos- Can I give you a blessing? WHY????????... And what is this prayer wall- do you think a base relationship with God might be the last thing people should be dwelling over as they leave the tent.
4thly I couldn't help but laugh as I left the tent and saw a cross outside. Yes finally an indication Christ came to die for our sins. oh no its actually a collection box. But wait there is more you put money and it lights up plays music and says Jesus was born today. hmmm maybe that's the Gospel you put money in and get a bit of gratification/humour and a flashy light show. At least I got a free wristband with hope on it.
Having said that I really enjoyed the stage show and the youth area was quite good. but when it came down to it the whole thing was very much it. All show or rather entertainment. There were some very good gospel snippets but in the end they seemed to be afterthoughts not the main point of the event. And when it comes down to it how is that different from a show put on entirely by non-Christians. If that is the way the organisers are planning I have no problem with it there as a Christmas show and it does give a christian side to the overly secularised event that is Christmas. But stop hoodwinking us by telling us it is 'THE evangelistic event of the year for townsville' unless you put some gospel and some decent evangelism in there.
This question has puzzled many of the great thinkers Plato himself said 'Yes it does go fast but where does it go' Yoda said 'Indeed Fast the van goes.' The answer to this question must be As fast as a van can go.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Where's the Light?
'"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." -Matt 5:14-16
*A Car with a bumper sticker that reads, 'Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven," speeds down the highway cutting someone off. As the other Driver scrambles for control of her car, she sees the bumper sticker and yells in frustration, "Does being forgiven give you licence to run me off the road?"
* Two teenagers meet for lunch. One wears a shirt that announces "Jesus is the reason for the season," and the other a jacket with the words "Jesus Rules." Their lunch conversation centres on the latest church gossip. A husband and wife seated nearby and exchange glances. The wife says "If that's the way they talk about each other, I certainly wouldn't want to go to their church."
* A busy executive spends many hours leading the men's ministry at his church and teaching a bible study, but he never seems to have time for his family and constantly loses his temper when he is at home. Each week his children sit in the back of the room where the bible study meets, listening to him teach the scriptures and thinking 'Hypocrite.'
*A demonstrator stands at the fresh grave of a murdered homosexual, holding a sign saying 'He's burning in hell.' Relatives and friends, who have come to mourn their loved one, stare in shock. "If that's the way God really feels," the victim's mother says, "I hate him."
The Driver, the teenagers, the busy executive and the demonstrator all have something in common. They believe they're shining the light of Christ to the world.
If you had encountered these people while you were unsaved, what would you have learned from them? Would you have found their words and actions attractive- or would you have been repulsed by them?
If some one was to give a description of the Gospel based on observing your life, what do you think that person would say? What message is your life proclaiming?
(Taken from 'Shine' by the newsboys)
*A Car with a bumper sticker that reads, 'Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven," speeds down the highway cutting someone off. As the other Driver scrambles for control of her car, she sees the bumper sticker and yells in frustration, "Does being forgiven give you licence to run me off the road?"
* Two teenagers meet for lunch. One wears a shirt that announces "Jesus is the reason for the season," and the other a jacket with the words "Jesus Rules." Their lunch conversation centres on the latest church gossip. A husband and wife seated nearby and exchange glances. The wife says "If that's the way they talk about each other, I certainly wouldn't want to go to their church."
* A busy executive spends many hours leading the men's ministry at his church and teaching a bible study, but he never seems to have time for his family and constantly loses his temper when he is at home. Each week his children sit in the back of the room where the bible study meets, listening to him teach the scriptures and thinking 'Hypocrite.'
*A demonstrator stands at the fresh grave of a murdered homosexual, holding a sign saying 'He's burning in hell.' Relatives and friends, who have come to mourn their loved one, stare in shock. "If that's the way God really feels," the victim's mother says, "I hate him."
The Driver, the teenagers, the busy executive and the demonstrator all have something in common. They believe they're shining the light of Christ to the world.
If you had encountered these people while you were unsaved, what would you have learned from them? Would you have found their words and actions attractive- or would you have been repulsed by them?
If some one was to give a description of the Gospel based on observing your life, what do you think that person would say? What message is your life proclaiming?
(Taken from 'Shine' by the newsboys)
Monday, November 27, 2006
Rush on aircons for the Eskimos????
Here are signs that global warming is real. Inuit people are better known for building igloos during hunts on the polar ice. With global warming speeding up, Inuit in the village of Kuujjuaq in Quebec, Canada, are installing 10 air conditioners for about 25 office workers. Temperatures in Kuujjuaq have hit 31 degree Celsius in late July.
Friday, November 17, 2006
What's important
I was browsing my way thought the important backstage news of the wrestling world when i think i came across my perfect job. Have a look at this:WWE is now looking to hire a Video Blurring Editor. The WWE Career website states "main responsibility is to apply a blur effect over portions of video which the WWE does not want viewers to see. The effect is applied using Apple computer software, specifically Final Cut Pro combined with Motion. The blurrer will also be responsible for inputting video from tape into the edit stations as well as printing finished work back to tape." Such a mundane sounding job but only in the eyes of our always looking for excitement mentality. I mean it seems like a small stupid job but has the potential with one minor omission to cost the company thousands or even put them off the air. Who can forget the 'nipplegate' affair in the Superbowl where an 'accident' cost millions, MTV lost the right to host the half time show ever and wide sweeping changes rang out through the television world. Therefore this job is a very important one in the scheme of things. As Christians we seem to forget our importance to God or to the church. There are numerous verses in the bible telling us how important we (each and everyone of us) are to God but when was the last time you sat down and thought that 'my best friend is the creator of the universe'.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Do you like stuff?
The sound of waves crashing on the beach, the roar of V8 engines, the delighted squeals of kids falling out of tubes, the gritty feeling as you roll over and find you have brought most of the beach into bed with you. Some people pay good money for holidays such as these. However when you are on camps with a total of 110 kids it suddenly stops being a holiday and becomes suffering for the sake of the gospel.
So besides figuring out if I was in the designated flirting area or if the canteen was open I made some decisions or rather insights into camping ministry.
1. The Cooks are just as crucial as most of the leaders especially if you have a younger leadership team. Often especially on larger camps the cooks are the first to pick up on kids who aren't fitting in and have an ability to get along side the kids and get them to open up to them. Maybe because they are parents themselves (In most cases) or rather because they are giving something to the kids (food) with out asking in return but a good set of cooks can make a camp go from a good camp to an excellent camp. That's excluding the food itself which often sets the mood of the camp.
2. Some times we try too hard to cater the camp to what we think the kids want to hear. This leads to camps that are all games/ small devotions. We tend to think that as the kids are 'trouble' kids we try to cater the camp to subtly introduce Christ. However since they have signed up for a Scripture union camp or Willows Presbyterian camp they know they are going to get God stuff and so often are ready or at least willing to talk about God. And even if they aren't who are we to limit the Spirits work in the guys and girls.
3. 'Preach Christ all times. When necessary use words.' - There are 2 types of leaders respected by kids. The ones who are respected as an authoritive figure (usually a bit older or have regular contact with kids (Youth Pastor or Chaplin). Or the 2nd is some one the kids respect because the person has earned their respect. The first can't be earned on camp but the second can be. But it takes hard work especially on the first couple of days. This isn't earned by ordering the guys and girls around but rather getting in there and getting your hands dirty. If its a camping camp don't just tell them to set their tents, get up get in and help them. But don't do it for them- teach them. If you are trusted to teach small things you will be trusted to teach big things.
There are of course many other essential parts to a camp and I would interested in hearing what you think needs to be added to my list. Maybe then we can publish a book.
So besides figuring out if I was in the designated flirting area or if the canteen was open I made some decisions or rather insights into camping ministry.
1. The Cooks are just as crucial as most of the leaders especially if you have a younger leadership team. Often especially on larger camps the cooks are the first to pick up on kids who aren't fitting in and have an ability to get along side the kids and get them to open up to them. Maybe because they are parents themselves (In most cases) or rather because they are giving something to the kids (food) with out asking in return but a good set of cooks can make a camp go from a good camp to an excellent camp. That's excluding the food itself which often sets the mood of the camp.
2. Some times we try too hard to cater the camp to what we think the kids want to hear. This leads to camps that are all games/ small devotions. We tend to think that as the kids are 'trouble' kids we try to cater the camp to subtly introduce Christ. However since they have signed up for a Scripture union camp or Willows Presbyterian camp they know they are going to get God stuff and so often are ready or at least willing to talk about God. And even if they aren't who are we to limit the Spirits work in the guys and girls.
3. 'Preach Christ all times. When necessary use words.' - There are 2 types of leaders respected by kids. The ones who are respected as an authoritive figure (usually a bit older or have regular contact with kids (Youth Pastor or Chaplin). Or the 2nd is some one the kids respect because the person has earned their respect. The first can't be earned on camp but the second can be. But it takes hard work especially on the first couple of days. This isn't earned by ordering the guys and girls around but rather getting in there and getting your hands dirty. If its a camping camp don't just tell them to set their tents, get up get in and help them. But don't do it for them- teach them. If you are trusted to teach small things you will be trusted to teach big things.
There are of course many other essential parts to a camp and I would interested in hearing what you think needs to be added to my list. Maybe then we can publish a book.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Violence in Sport
Sport is described as some as Testosterone driven violence and I'm not just talking about women's track and field. In many occasions we see someone snap and go beserk and most of the time we shrug and say ' Its a contact sport'. But every now and again there is one that sticks in the back of our throats that is just too much. Who can ever forget Catona kicking a fan, Tallis punching a rookie, Hoppergate (crouching tiger, hidden finger) or matty bury crunching little steve 10 mins before winning best and fairest for the season. Today I read about another one that just left a bad taste in my mouth. This clearly is just not cricket.
Top Sumo wrestler retires after punch-up
Japan's longest-serving active sumo wrestler has retired in shame after punching an opponent in the face, Japanese media has reported.
A disgruntled Kotokanyu saw red after losing a bout to 19-year-old Ikioi in Tokyo at the weekend, storming into the locker room and punching him.
The highly respected Sadogatake, who runs the sumo stable Kotokanyu belonged to, submitted the wrestler's retirement papers to the Japan Sumo Association (JSA) on Tuesday.
"He did something you just cannot do in sumo," Sadogatake told reporters. "It was right to draw the line there and then."
His outburst was just the latest incident of violence to shatter the serene image of the ancient Japanese sport.
Russian wrestler Roho was banned for three days after smashing a bathroom window and slapping two photographers in a post-bout tantrum in July.
Roho's meltdown was reminiscent of the infamous 'battle of the bathtub' involving firebrand Mongolian Asashoryu three years ago.
Grand champion Asashoryu squared off with another towel-clad Mongolian as tempers flared during a post-bout soak at the Nagoya tournament three years ago.
There are many disturbing things in that story but there are just somethings you just can't do in sumo. However the most disturbing is the thought of 2 sumos in towels...
On a cheerier note I'll be away for 2 weeks on camps so don't start calling me scooter due to my lack of postage. When I'll get back brace yourselves for an riveting analyses of camp ministry. Spelled wrong of course.
Top Sumo wrestler retires after punch-up
Japan's longest-serving active sumo wrestler has retired in shame after punching an opponent in the face, Japanese media has reported.
A disgruntled Kotokanyu saw red after losing a bout to 19-year-old Ikioi in Tokyo at the weekend, storming into the locker room and punching him.
The highly respected Sadogatake, who runs the sumo stable Kotokanyu belonged to, submitted the wrestler's retirement papers to the Japan Sumo Association (JSA) on Tuesday.
"He did something you just cannot do in sumo," Sadogatake told reporters. "It was right to draw the line there and then."
His outburst was just the latest incident of violence to shatter the serene image of the ancient Japanese sport.
Russian wrestler Roho was banned for three days after smashing a bathroom window and slapping two photographers in a post-bout tantrum in July.
Roho's meltdown was reminiscent of the infamous 'battle of the bathtub' involving firebrand Mongolian Asashoryu three years ago.
Grand champion Asashoryu squared off with another towel-clad Mongolian as tempers flared during a post-bout soak at the Nagoya tournament three years ago.
There are many disturbing things in that story but there are just somethings you just can't do in sumo. However the most disturbing is the thought of 2 sumos in towels...
On a cheerier note I'll be away for 2 weeks on camps so don't start calling me scooter due to my lack of postage. When I'll get back brace yourselves for an riveting analyses of camp ministry. Spelled wrong of course.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Science deafens us to God.
Article in the Sydney Morning Herald:Science deafens us to God, Pope tells his people . I was all fired up to deliver a fire and brimstone blog on this but then i actually realized that it was another case of media talking out of context. So that cut my legs out from under me. What the pope is actually saying is that Europe needs to wake up to God. He then follows it up with 'Europe should not let science and reason make it "deaf" to God' He isn't of course saying that they are bad but due to the current (media) culture "What is said about God strikes us as pre-scientific, no longer suited for our age." The more I hear from the pope the more encouraged i am that there is still hope for the Roman Catholics. But now i need some to blog about and I don't have the energy to launch into a tirade about the media.
So instead I believe that Us scientists (and possibly Medical ppl) Have an advantage over many of you in that our occupations strengthen our faith. The more i get down on a cellular level the more I am convinced of a designer: The more I get out into nature The more I'm convinced of a loving creator. (It is for this I think we should all be at least mildly conservationist at heart- No one I know was converted by chopped down trees- but I do know people who have been converted by Wonder of creation) The More Fishing I do the more I'm convinced God has a sense of humour. http://www.lafishmag.com/CrucifixFish.html
So instead I believe that Us scientists (and possibly Medical ppl) Have an advantage over many of you in that our occupations strengthen our faith. The more i get down on a cellular level the more I am convinced of a designer: The more I get out into nature The more I'm convinced of a loving creator. (It is for this I think we should all be at least mildly conservationist at heart- No one I know was converted by chopped down trees- but I do know people who have been converted by Wonder of creation) The More Fishing I do the more I'm convinced God has a sense of humour. http://www.lafishmag.com/CrucifixFish.html
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
What Type of blogger are you?
I couldn' resist this quiz and am trying to set the record for best time in subsiquent blogs. Wilst we about some different types of people style of blogging (e.g. Nathan: ego-centric, scooter- lazy, Ben ma- competetive, lazy,andlazy) Do you know your own? Apparently I am
You Are a Snarky Blogger! |
![]() |
A Stinging reminder.
Well as the oceanic expert in this blog i thought it best to post a remark on the passing of Steve Irwan. ... Well i couldn't come up with one. It goes to show though what happens when you start to stray outside your give area of speciality. Here are 10 facts about stingrays :).
1. Stingrays are fish! They are close relatives of the shark.
2. Stingrays live at the bottom of the sea. They can bury their flat bodies in the sand on the sea floor if danger approaches.
3. Stingrays tails have sharp spines that sting like a scorpion. They use these to defend themselves from attacks by enemies.
4. Stingrays have mouths on their bellies so they can suck up food they find on the sea floor, but because their eyes are on the top of their heads they canÂt see what they are eating!
5. Like most sharks, stingrays give birth to live young. They have between three and five in a litter.
6. Stingrays like to visit cleaning stations where other fish eat the parasites stuck on their skins.
7. The worldÂs smallest ray is the short-nose electric ray that is only 10cm across. The biggest is the manta ray that is over 6.7 metres wide. Rays are among the largest fish in the sea.
8. There are about 500 different species of ray.
9. Stingrays eat fish, crustaceans, molluscs and worms.
10. Rays are said to be cleverer than sharks!
I can't help thinking of the out cry if it had of been a croc or a shark- people would be mounting campains to destroy this menace to humanity. Currently it is only the people who make that seafood flake stuff calling for singrays deaths to get cheaper stock in. It is a reminder that things don't always turn out how you expect. and here is a video clip that shows that
And Now for something complete different
Every wonder which muppet you were most like? Apparenently I am most like... Have a go yourself.
1. Stingrays are fish! They are close relatives of the shark.
2. Stingrays live at the bottom of the sea. They can bury their flat bodies in the sand on the sea floor if danger approaches.
3. Stingrays tails have sharp spines that sting like a scorpion. They use these to defend themselves from attacks by enemies.
4. Stingrays have mouths on their bellies so they can suck up food they find on the sea floor, but because their eyes are on the top of their heads they canÂt see what they are eating!
5. Like most sharks, stingrays give birth to live young. They have between three and five in a litter.
6. Stingrays like to visit cleaning stations where other fish eat the parasites stuck on their skins.
7. The worldÂs smallest ray is the short-nose electric ray that is only 10cm across. The biggest is the manta ray that is over 6.7 metres wide. Rays are among the largest fish in the sea.
8. There are about 500 different species of ray.
9. Stingrays eat fish, crustaceans, molluscs and worms.
10. Rays are said to be cleverer than sharks!
I can't help thinking of the out cry if it had of been a croc or a shark- people would be mounting campains to destroy this menace to humanity. Currently it is only the people who make that seafood flake stuff calling for singrays deaths to get cheaper stock in. It is a reminder that things don't always turn out how you expect. and here is a video clip that shows that
And Now for something complete different
Every wonder which muppet you were most like? Apparenently I am most like... Have a go yourself.
You Are Dr. Bunsen Honeydew |
![]() You take the title "mad scientist" to the extreme -with very scary things coming out of your lab. And you've invented some pretty cool things, from a banana sharpener to a robot politician. But while you're busy turning gold into cottage cheese, you need to watch out for poor little Beaker! "Oh, that's very naughty, Beaker! Now you eat these paper clips this minute." |
Saturday, September 02, 2006
She sells sea-shells by the seashore
I thought I'd answer a question posed by Barbie's Ex (Ken???) That was a really good question but it is really 2 questions so I'll answer them both and ask a trivia one too.
For those who are too lazy to look up the question here it is 'hey Mr c how are shells made? Like the big ones you put your ear on to hear the wind whistling through your ears?'
Well firstly you start off with an organism which is about the size of a pin head- (some are bigger most are that small) Its blood has a very high concentration of Calcium and Carbonate. At the mantle of the animal it secretes it which depending on the mantle's shape a protective layer. I'll use the conch shell as the example. So it surrounds itself with the mantle or Lip as the only exposed area. The calcium calbonate keeps getting deposited as the animal gets bigger. We aren't really sure if this is a excretetion over time or if the animal can control it. All we know is that it is such a example of a higher system that must have delevoped over millions of years :) Just thought I'd give an example of what the mantle is- if you look at a snail the mantle is the part of the snail you can see when it is in its shell. Clam shells the mantle is the coloured section- different shape mantle different shell design. So the shells keep exanding as the animal's size does.
Now Seashells do not really make any sound of their own. Inside they have many hard curved surfaces, which are good reflectors for sound. So any sound waves that get inside are jumbled up by all kinds of echoes. When you hold the shell up to your ear, you hear the noise of all those jumbled-up echoes. That does sound much like the noise of ocean waves beating against a shore.
If you have a seashell with a big cavity inside, try it out again at home next to your ear. Unless you get in a very, very quiet place, it will keep roaring as if it had brought some of the ocean with it. But you will hear nothing in space :) because you will be dead.
There is a fascinating shell that I thought i might point out. Spirula has a chambered shell of Nautilus. Each chamber is connected to the body by a tube called the siphumcle. The chambers are filed with a special liquid and gas mixture. Spirula can float or sink by changing the pressure on this mixture. So this thing literally controls its depth by pressure in the chambers in the shell.
Trivia Question:
What shell based/derived product/food sold the most in the year 2004? (yes the thing is a food.
Any other sea questions you'd like me to answer?
For those who are too lazy to look up the question here it is 'hey Mr c how are shells made? Like the big ones you put your ear on to hear the wind whistling through your ears?'
Well firstly you start off with an organism which is about the size of a pin head- (some are bigger most are that small) Its blood has a very high concentration of Calcium and Carbonate. At the mantle of the animal it secretes it which depending on the mantle's shape a protective layer. I'll use the conch shell as the example. So it surrounds itself with the mantle or Lip as the only exposed area. The calcium calbonate keeps getting deposited as the animal gets bigger. We aren't really sure if this is a excretetion over time or if the animal can control it. All we know is that it is such a example of a higher system that must have delevoped over millions of years :) Just thought I'd give an example of what the mantle is- if you look at a snail the mantle is the part of the snail you can see when it is in its shell. Clam shells the mantle is the coloured section- different shape mantle different shell design. So the shells keep exanding as the animal's size does.
Now Seashells do not really make any sound of their own. Inside they have many hard curved surfaces, which are good reflectors for sound. So any sound waves that get inside are jumbled up by all kinds of echoes. When you hold the shell up to your ear, you hear the noise of all those jumbled-up echoes. That does sound much like the noise of ocean waves beating against a shore.
If you have a seashell with a big cavity inside, try it out again at home next to your ear. Unless you get in a very, very quiet place, it will keep roaring as if it had brought some of the ocean with it. But you will hear nothing in space :) because you will be dead.
There is a fascinating shell that I thought i might point out. Spirula has a chambered shell of Nautilus. Each chamber is connected to the body by a tube called the siphumcle. The chambers are filed with a special liquid and gas mixture. Spirula can float or sink by changing the pressure on this mixture. So this thing literally controls its depth by pressure in the chambers in the shell.
Trivia Question:
What shell based/derived product/food sold the most in the year 2004? (yes the thing is a food.
Any other sea questions you'd like me to answer?
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Quick Quiz- everyone should learn one new thing every day
OK which is the shark responible for the most fatal attacks on humans?
b)Port Jackson
c)Great White
d)Reef blacktip
e)Oceanic whitetip
i)Pool shark
I'll try just adding this down the bottom so these are continually linked. The answer is....
e) The Oceanic Whitetip shark. (not to confused with common reef whitetip sharks which are smaller and thinner and have smaller fins)
The oceanic whitetip shark, Carcharhinus longimanus, is a large pelagic shark of tropical and warm temperate seas. It is named after its oceanic habitat (living in deep waters), and the white tips of its fins. It is a stocky shark, most notable for its long, rounded fins.
This aggressive but slow-moving fish dominates feeding frenzies, and has attacked more humans than all other shark species combined — it is a notable danger to survivors of oceanic ship wrecks and downed aircraft. Recent studies have shown that its numbers are in steep decline — its large fins are highly valued as the chief ingredient of shark-fin soup and, as with other shark species, the oceanic whitetip faces mounting pressure from fishing throughout its range (Wikipedia)
Famed oceanographic researcher Jacques Cousteau described the oceanic whitetip as "the most dangerous of all sharks". Despite the greater notoriety of the great white shark and other sharks habitually found nearer the shore, the oceanic whitetip is considered responsible for more fatal attacks on humans than all other species combined, as a result of predation on those shipwrecked or from aircraft downed in the open ocean. These incidents are not included in common shark-attack indices for the 20th and 21st centuries, but would appear to total in the thousands worldwide, with one incident alone, the torpedoing of the USS Indianapolis on July 30, 1945, giving a minimal figure of 60–80 killed by sharks. Also during World War II, the Nova Scotia, a steamship carrying approximately 1000 people near South Africa was torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine. There were only 192 survivors, and many deaths were attributed to the oceanic whitetip shark.
Even though the oceanic whitetip is highly opportunistic and aggressive; and has been known to attack humans for food, divers have swum with this shark repeatedly without being harmed (it is a popular draw for dive tourism because of its size and the perceived danger). However, divers are advised to approach the shark only with extreme caution, not spear fish near this shark and if the shark comes too close or gets too inquisitive to get out of the water as soon as possible. It is generally suggested that if a shark starts to push the diver, then to hit it on the snout, gills or eyes, but anecdotal evidence suggests that this may be less effective in deterring whitetips than with other species of sharks.
So there you go. Even a spearfishing friend was suprised by this so i hope everyone has learned something.
b)Port Jackson
c)Great White
d)Reef blacktip
e)Oceanic whitetip
i)Pool shark
I'll try just adding this down the bottom so these are continually linked. The answer is....
e) The Oceanic Whitetip shark. (not to confused with common reef whitetip sharks which are smaller and thinner and have smaller fins)
The oceanic whitetip shark, Carcharhinus longimanus, is a large pelagic shark of tropical and warm temperate seas. It is named after its oceanic habitat (living in deep waters), and the white tips of its fins. It is a stocky shark, most notable for its long, rounded fins.
This aggressive but slow-moving fish dominates feeding frenzies, and has attacked more humans than all other shark species combined — it is a notable danger to survivors of oceanic ship wrecks and downed aircraft. Recent studies have shown that its numbers are in steep decline — its large fins are highly valued as the chief ingredient of shark-fin soup and, as with other shark species, the oceanic whitetip faces mounting pressure from fishing throughout its range (Wikipedia)
Famed oceanographic researcher Jacques Cousteau described the oceanic whitetip as "the most dangerous of all sharks". Despite the greater notoriety of the great white shark and other sharks habitually found nearer the shore, the oceanic whitetip is considered responsible for more fatal attacks on humans than all other species combined, as a result of predation on those shipwrecked or from aircraft downed in the open ocean. These incidents are not included in common shark-attack indices for the 20th and 21st centuries, but would appear to total in the thousands worldwide, with one incident alone, the torpedoing of the USS Indianapolis on July 30, 1945, giving a minimal figure of 60–80 killed by sharks. Also during World War II, the Nova Scotia, a steamship carrying approximately 1000 people near South Africa was torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine. There were only 192 survivors, and many deaths were attributed to the oceanic whitetip shark.
Even though the oceanic whitetip is highly opportunistic and aggressive; and has been known to attack humans for food, divers have swum with this shark repeatedly without being harmed (it is a popular draw for dive tourism because of its size and the perceived danger). However, divers are advised to approach the shark only with extreme caution, not spear fish near this shark and if the shark comes too close or gets too inquisitive to get out of the water as soon as possible. It is generally suggested that if a shark starts to push the diver, then to hit it on the snout, gills or eyes, but anecdotal evidence suggests that this may be less effective in deterring whitetips than with other species of sharks.
So there you go. Even a spearfishing friend was suprised by this so i hope everyone has learned something.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Respect the Official, Sport
Well people have been complaining that I need to update my blog as they need something to read at work. Lacking inspiration I turned to a certain housemate of mine who did journalism and he suggested I write on Couples who when they hook up spend all their time with each other and never see their other friends. Had a thought about it and thought yeah- I haven't seen Stevo since he got engaged really. But then i thought about the irate responses i might get from a certain house in riverside gardens (I'm not talking about scooter's house) and chickened out. Besides there are far bigger issues at the moment.
THE ISSUE of course is that lack of respect for anyone shown by Andrew Johns. While I'll acknowledge he is a very good player over the years he has consistently failed in his duty to rugby league. That's right duty to rugby league. In any sport if you make it You have a responsibility to promote the sport. This was shown by the socceroos. After probably the most intense playing schedule of any sport in the world and following the world cup how did some of the biggest names spend their month off? They came back to Oz and did promotional work. Not only that but they are investing their own money back into Australian Soccer developing young talent at the grass roots level.
As a person involved in sport I understand that some times in the heat of the battle you can loose it but twice in two weeks? The NRL had to draw a line somewhere and I believe has errored in reducing the sentence give to him. Especially given the circumstances surrounding it. Far enough it was a big call but to follow the Touch judge sarting straight at him and swear at him like that. And what was his first statement: I wasn't swearing at the touch judge I was just swearing, A tune he changed pretty quickly when he saw footage of him deviating his path to make sure the touchie had to run around him.
Andrew Johns over the years has been the poster boy of rugby league and how has he repaid it- Well there was the time when he was involved in a Punch-up with a forward who is now at manly over certain impropieties at the forward's wife. (This one was easily covered up because it was at the same time as Wayne Carey). And a few years ago who he was having an early end to the season because of neck problems- some one in the rugby league world and confirmed by another claimed it was for testing positive to Cocaine but the NRL wanted to protect its image and that of its star. An upstanding citizen I'm sure.
We could excuse him for sounding off once- but it was the 3rd time in 3 months. No other sport tolerates any sort of umpire abuse. Greg Williams in Carlton was suspended for 8 weeks for umpire abuse. Any soccer player who abuses a ref is red carded. Are these sports anymore intense than rugby league? No
However I don't think that the lack of respect given officials is limited to one player you only have to listen to Phil Gould with his consistent umpire criticism in his commentary. I believe the NRL should also hand out fines for his comments or better yet get him removed.
The thing we are all forgetting though is umpires are real people too. No body should be talked to like that in any circumstance. Walk up to any authority figure eg. a policeman and say the same words to him and see if you don't locked up in the slammer. I am an umpire for social soccer and in the time i have worked there I have been verbally abuse- people have swung punches at me and some days have been scared to walk around in my shopping centre because I've reconised people and even in one case had a guy whom I had red carded came at me. And where do you think these people are watching every Friday night? I rest my case.
THE ISSUE of course is that lack of respect for anyone shown by Andrew Johns. While I'll acknowledge he is a very good player over the years he has consistently failed in his duty to rugby league. That's right duty to rugby league. In any sport if you make it You have a responsibility to promote the sport. This was shown by the socceroos. After probably the most intense playing schedule of any sport in the world and following the world cup how did some of the biggest names spend their month off? They came back to Oz and did promotional work. Not only that but they are investing their own money back into Australian Soccer developing young talent at the grass roots level.
As a person involved in sport I understand that some times in the heat of the battle you can loose it but twice in two weeks? The NRL had to draw a line somewhere and I believe has errored in reducing the sentence give to him. Especially given the circumstances surrounding it. Far enough it was a big call but to follow the Touch judge sarting straight at him and swear at him like that. And what was his first statement: I wasn't swearing at the touch judge I was just swearing, A tune he changed pretty quickly when he saw footage of him deviating his path to make sure the touchie had to run around him.
Andrew Johns over the years has been the poster boy of rugby league and how has he repaid it- Well there was the time when he was involved in a Punch-up with a forward who is now at manly over certain impropieties at the forward's wife. (This one was easily covered up because it was at the same time as Wayne Carey). And a few years ago who he was having an early end to the season because of neck problems- some one in the rugby league world and confirmed by another claimed it was for testing positive to Cocaine but the NRL wanted to protect its image and that of its star. An upstanding citizen I'm sure.
We could excuse him for sounding off once- but it was the 3rd time in 3 months. No other sport tolerates any sort of umpire abuse. Greg Williams in Carlton was suspended for 8 weeks for umpire abuse. Any soccer player who abuses a ref is red carded. Are these sports anymore intense than rugby league? No
However I don't think that the lack of respect given officials is limited to one player you only have to listen to Phil Gould with his consistent umpire criticism in his commentary. I believe the NRL should also hand out fines for his comments or better yet get him removed.
The thing we are all forgetting though is umpires are real people too. No body should be talked to like that in any circumstance. Walk up to any authority figure eg. a policeman and say the same words to him and see if you don't locked up in the slammer. I am an umpire for social soccer and in the time i have worked there I have been verbally abuse- people have swung punches at me and some days have been scared to walk around in my shopping centre because I've reconised people and even in one case had a guy whom I had red carded came at me. And where do you think these people are watching every Friday night? I rest my case.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
What I want to be when I grow up
Who decided when someone is grown up? In Jewish Community your bar mitzah signifies the coming of age (14 I think), In some places your aren't an adult until you have killed your first lion. In Western society we have this ridiculous view that when you have completed uni that you are 'all grown up' but some people's obvious lack of maturity after finishing uni destroys that view while others hold the view that when you get a job. Again ridiculous. And vice versa when i eventually finish uni I hope to work in sort sort of aquatic scenario or setting. Does this make me more grown up than my years of work in the church or time serving in Christian union? I think not. One line of work or life goal I am NOT striving towards is one that is being under took by a miss Lohan. What movies she is in I dunno as I do not watch such genre but she said "I wanted to do what Marilyn Monroe did, when she went and just set up a stage and did a concert for the troops by herself," Lohan said. "It's so amazing seeing one woman just going somewhere, this beautiful sex kitten, who's basically a pinup, which is what I've always aspired to be." Well that's one thing I've never aspired to be.
Another occupation which I will not be undertaking is a career with Greenpeace. Although many of their causes are dear to my heart and I believe need action- I have been booted out of this esteemed membership. Due to Apparent apathy- I was a member for 4 years w/o attending one protest (hey JCU gave me free membership) and I did tell the local area committee head that turtle tastes like a seafood Lamb. And I did kind of say that their methods didn't really appear in the bible. :)
On a slightly related note my little brother is wanting to do something with photography when he grows up. As such he was kind enough to take photos of me and stuff on my recent trip to png. I'm still updating plus some photos seem to have appeared more than once- so have a look now and again to see if there is any difference and I'll try and let u know when I'm finished. Here is the link.
Now Purists may argue that I never answered the original statement. Well I don't really know but it will be gospel work- We are not commanded to sit in our little world waiting for a call but actively Proclaiming Christ in every situation we find ourselves in.
Another occupation which I will not be undertaking is a career with Greenpeace. Although many of their causes are dear to my heart and I believe need action- I have been booted out of this esteemed membership. Due to Apparent apathy- I was a member for 4 years w/o attending one protest (hey JCU gave me free membership) and I did tell the local area committee head that turtle tastes like a seafood Lamb. And I did kind of say that their methods didn't really appear in the bible. :)
On a slightly related note my little brother is wanting to do something with photography when he grows up. As such he was kind enough to take photos of me and stuff on my recent trip to png. I'm still updating plus some photos seem to have appeared more than once- so have a look now and again to see if there is any difference and I'll try and let u know when I'm finished. Here is the link.
Now Purists may argue that I never answered the original statement. Well I don't really know but it will be gospel work- We are not commanded to sit in our little world waiting for a call but actively Proclaiming Christ in every situation we find ourselves in.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
There's no place like Home
In Townsville- "Wow you must be excited to be going home"
Port Moresby- "Eh timoti, yu cum bec long ples bilong yu(Tim, you've come back to your place (home))
Ukarumpa- "Welcome home"
Ukarumpa- "So when do you go home?" "Townsville or Island?" "Townsville"
Ukarumpa- "So are you excited to be heading back to your island- that will b like a big homecoming?
Tubetube- "Aiiiuuulee, Timoti alla yanuwa ku vivlaoi. (expression of delight maybe yay, Tim you've come back to OUR (inclusive) Home)
Tubetube- "Tawhynasana kan ku vivaloi um Yanuwa (When are you going to YOUR home)"
Tubetube- "are you excited to be going home?"
Townsville- "How was home?"
Townsville- "welcome home"
If you got confused reading this imagine how this makes me feel- It leads to the question what is a home. Following a journalist's lead I sourced wikipedia which claims that
Home is place where a person or family lives, perhaps spends much of their time, or where a person is comfortable being. While a house (or other residential dwelling) is often referred to as a home, the concept of "home" is broader than a physical dwelling. Home is often a place of refuge and safety, where worldly cares fade and the things and people that one loves becomes the focus.
The word "home" is also used for various residential institutions which aspire to create a home-like atmosphere, such as a retirement home, a nursing home, a 'group home' (an orphanage for children or a retirement home for adults), a foster home, etc
This definition adds to the confusion because often home- isn't where we spend most of our time and in some situations isn't a place of safety or refuge. And then there is all the physiological side too, again wikipedia "Since it can be said that humans are generally creatures of habit, the state of a person's home has been known to physiologically influence their behavior, emotions, and overall "mental health". For example, in the introduction to the movie Patch Adams, the concept of "home" is compared to the human need for peaceful sanctuary and the absence of it thus leading to restlessness. Such restlessness, as can be seen by that particular case, may lead to depression and, ultimately, to a loss of blood."
So let me ask you a question what is it that you value most or identify most about home?
MK (missionary kids) have been renowned over the ages for struggling for a sense of an identity due to their lack of an easily identifiable home. Ask an MK where they are from and they will probably reply "well mum was from A and Dad was from B and I was born in C and moved to D where I stayed until moving to E" sound familiar anyone? But the majority of people move on after a while and assimilate in the local culture- hiding behind a mask to fit in with the crowd. Every now and again it cracks letting a little out for the world to see and that's ok because 'they're different'. It was really sad though to meet up with one of my old hostel sister who was never able to adapt to living in the US, she longed for home too much. But when she couldn't take it anymore she returned to ukarumpa but everything had changed. How do you comfort some one when their whole lives has built towards this dream that can never be realized and see their world crumble around them. It is a pain that no one should have to go through. But each of us will regardless on who we are because we live in a fallen world. To quote from a movie "This is not your home..." The bible tells us that our true home in in heaven with God 2 cor5:1. And until we live with this goal in sight our world will crumble again and again. So let me ask you again "Where is your home?"
Psalm 84
1 How lovely is your dwelling place,
O LORD Almighty!
2 My soul yearns, even faints,
for the courts of the LORD;
my heart and my flesh cry out
for the living God.
3 Even the sparrow has found a home,
and the swallow a nest for herself,
where she may have her youngÂ
a place near your altar,
O LORD Almighty, my King and my God.
4 Blessed are those who dwell in your house;
they are ever praising you.
5 Blessed are those whose strength is in you,
who have set their hearts on pilgrimage.
6 As they pass through the Valley of Baca,
they make it a place of springs;
the autumn rains also cover it with pools.
7 They go from strength to strength,
till each appears before God in Zion.
8 Hear my prayer, O LORD God Almighty;
listen to me, O God of Jacob.
9 Look upon our shield, O God;
look with favor on your anointed one.
10 Better is one day in your courts
than a thousand elsewhere;
I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God
than dwell in the tents of the wicked.
11 For the LORD God is a sun and shield;
the LORD bestows favor and honor;
no good thing does he withhold
from those whose walk is blameless.
12 O LORD Almighty,
blessed is the man who trusts in you.
Port Moresby- "Eh timoti, yu cum bec long ples bilong yu(Tim, you've come back to your place (home))
Ukarumpa- "Welcome home"
Ukarumpa- "So when do you go home?" "Townsville or Island?" "Townsville"
Ukarumpa- "So are you excited to be heading back to your island- that will b like a big homecoming?
Tubetube- "Aiiiuuulee, Timoti alla yanuwa ku vivlaoi. (expression of delight maybe yay, Tim you've come back to OUR (inclusive) Home)
Tubetube- "Tawhynasana kan ku vivaloi um Yanuwa (When are you going to YOUR home)"
Tubetube- "are you excited to be going home?"
Townsville- "How was home?"
Townsville- "welcome home"
If you got confused reading this imagine how this makes me feel- It leads to the question what is a home. Following a journalist's lead I sourced wikipedia which claims that
Home is place where a person or family lives, perhaps spends much of their time, or where a person is comfortable being. While a house (or other residential dwelling) is often referred to as a home, the concept of "home" is broader than a physical dwelling. Home is often a place of refuge and safety, where worldly cares fade and the things and people that one loves becomes the focus.
The word "home" is also used for various residential institutions which aspire to create a home-like atmosphere, such as a retirement home, a nursing home, a 'group home' (an orphanage for children or a retirement home for adults), a foster home, etc
This definition adds to the confusion because often home- isn't where we spend most of our time and in some situations isn't a place of safety or refuge. And then there is all the physiological side too, again wikipedia "Since it can be said that humans are generally creatures of habit, the state of a person's home has been known to physiologically influence their behavior, emotions, and overall "mental health". For example, in the introduction to the movie Patch Adams, the concept of "home" is compared to the human need for peaceful sanctuary and the absence of it thus leading to restlessness. Such restlessness, as can be seen by that particular case, may lead to depression and, ultimately, to a loss of blood."
So let me ask you a question what is it that you value most or identify most about home?
MK (missionary kids) have been renowned over the ages for struggling for a sense of an identity due to their lack of an easily identifiable home. Ask an MK where they are from and they will probably reply "well mum was from A and Dad was from B and I was born in C and moved to D where I stayed until moving to E" sound familiar anyone? But the majority of people move on after a while and assimilate in the local culture- hiding behind a mask to fit in with the crowd. Every now and again it cracks letting a little out for the world to see and that's ok because 'they're different'. It was really sad though to meet up with one of my old hostel sister who was never able to adapt to living in the US, she longed for home too much. But when she couldn't take it anymore she returned to ukarumpa but everything had changed. How do you comfort some one when their whole lives has built towards this dream that can never be realized and see their world crumble around them. It is a pain that no one should have to go through. But each of us will regardless on who we are because we live in a fallen world. To quote from a movie "This is not your home..." The bible tells us that our true home in in heaven with God 2 cor5:1. And until we live with this goal in sight our world will crumble again and again. So let me ask you again "Where is your home?"
Psalm 84
1 How lovely is your dwelling place,
O LORD Almighty!
2 My soul yearns, even faints,
for the courts of the LORD;
my heart and my flesh cry out
for the living God.
3 Even the sparrow has found a home,
and the swallow a nest for herself,
where she may have her youngÂ
a place near your altar,
O LORD Almighty, my King and my God.
4 Blessed are those who dwell in your house;
they are ever praising you.
5 Blessed are those whose strength is in you,
who have set their hearts on pilgrimage.
6 As they pass through the Valley of Baca,
they make it a place of springs;
the autumn rains also cover it with pools.
7 They go from strength to strength,
till each appears before God in Zion.
8 Hear my prayer, O LORD God Almighty;
listen to me, O God of Jacob.
9 Look upon our shield, O God;
look with favor on your anointed one.
10 Better is one day in your courts
than a thousand elsewhere;
I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God
than dwell in the tents of the wicked.
11 For the LORD God is a sun and shield;
the LORD bestows favor and honor;
no good thing does he withhold
from those whose walk is blameless.
12 O LORD Almighty,
blessed is the man who trusts in you.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Well I'm back
Well I back after checking my travel log I traveled 44 hours, sat waiting at Airports, Lunch places, bus stops and piers for 50 hours and made 15 batches of bread. The moral of this story is..... ummmm well you can come up with one.
After my last posts I eventually made in to Tubetube island after my route was changed twice and after one of the roughest trips out I have ever been on- Yes we should have checked to see if there was a strong wind warning and how we we supposed to know if there was a cyclone watch on??? Anyways after 8 hours of waves- 90% of which were bigger than our boat we made it with only a close call. The only casualty was poor mum who was asleep when one wave hit us and was thrown across the cabin landing on our lunch. Some how she wasn't hurt ( I'll let the med students discuss about the relaxation of sleepers or something-thank goodness only 1 reads my blog) but I can't say the same about our lunch. Not that we were too hungry especially while holding the bucket for others to throw up in, but I kept my brekkie down and arrived safely. The worst part of the trip was we only caught 1 fish- an omen of things to come for boat travel. The fish was a small 3 foot Rainbow Runner which are quite nice looking and change their colours quite drastically.
Well Mum caught the flu badly after the boat trip and suffered almost the whole time we were out there- so which ment I was on kitchen duty for the fam. and the translation helpers. Thanks fully I also got the chance to catch many fish and I'll make a couple of on-line albums sometime soon so you all all see my Fish. Well I'm getting square eyes from Computer so I'll be off. And before you ask No I did not see any world cup games besides aus-jap. Neither did I see game 3......
After my last posts I eventually made in to Tubetube island after my route was changed twice and after one of the roughest trips out I have ever been on- Yes we should have checked to see if there was a strong wind warning and how we we supposed to know if there was a cyclone watch on??? Anyways after 8 hours of waves- 90% of which were bigger than our boat we made it with only a close call. The only casualty was poor mum who was asleep when one wave hit us and was thrown across the cabin landing on our lunch. Some how she wasn't hurt ( I'll let the med students discuss about the relaxation of sleepers or something-thank goodness only 1 reads my blog) but I can't say the same about our lunch. Not that we were too hungry especially while holding the bucket for others to throw up in, but I kept my brekkie down and arrived safely. The worst part of the trip was we only caught 1 fish- an omen of things to come for boat travel. The fish was a small 3 foot Rainbow Runner which are quite nice looking and change their colours quite drastically.
Well Mum caught the flu badly after the boat trip and suffered almost the whole time we were out there- so which ment I was on kitchen duty for the fam. and the translation helpers. Thanks fully I also got the chance to catch many fish and I'll make a couple of on-line albums sometime soon so you all all see my Fish. Well I'm getting square eyes from Computer so I'll be off. And before you ask No I did not see any world cup games besides aus-jap. Neither did I see game 3......
Friday, June 16, 2006
Signing off
well I'm going to go out to Tubetube Island for 4 weeks and due to the fact we don't have phone line, electricity, or running water (well If I run the water back from the tanks it is running water) I wont be posting for a while. Instead you'll have to think of me sitting on a tropical island while you all engage in your dreary lives of repitition. where everything has to be spelled right. So Until then as you watch the socceroos :( I wont be and the Maroons win the 3 game easily :( spare a thought for me. Hope everyone has a great break and if you don't get a break unlucky but Jesus still loves you.
Monday, June 12, 2006
PNG report 1

Well I'm in ukarumpa, I'd forgotten what PNG roads and transport was like. Wow's this for a pothole? I also had to wait in the hanger for 6 hours for the SIL plane due to a medical evac but I guess you can't really complain about them. So after leaving the Willis's house at 4:45 AM I got to to ukarumpa in the Highlands at 4:50pm 10mins before we weren't allowed to land at this strip. Good to see family again. Of course they drafted me into waitering for the graduation dinner. Lucky i had packed a white shirt but I had forgotten black pants. So it was a mad dash around centre to find some. So I've just been catching up with old friends and tomorrow I'll be going 'gumying' which essentially is floating down rapids in an inner tube.
So anyways It looks like i'll be heading to Port Moresby on wed. Overnighting there and onto alotau on thurs followed by a trip to the island on sat. So hopefully I can get to the TV in moresby before the americans to ensure I catch the Origin. Anyways thats most of my news- I'll try and get a pic of mark up before I leave. I'm trying to post two pics- the 1st one is of ukarumpa to try and give you guys an idea of what it looks like and it situation. Altititude 5300 ft. 2nd is a huge pothole
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
World Cup fever
Found a great site on the sbs site focusing on all the world cup nations. It lists 10 things you may or may not know about each nation and I just had to post the American one.
Here's a list of 10 things that you may or may not have known about USA.
1 Some form of football was played in America as far back as the establishment of the original Jamestown settlement in 1609. The game was banned as a bad influence but after modern soccer took hold in England in the 1830s, clubs began to emerge in the US. Oneida Football Club, formed in Boston in 1862, was the first club outside of England.
2 The popularity of football dwindled as colleges preferred to play their football under Rugby, rather than Football Association, rules. Their game developed into modern gridiron. At the same time baseball also grew in popularity among immigrants and the working classes. Baseball was seen as an American pastime and people to chose to play it, rather than football, to assimilate.
3 This occurred during the largest of the four recognized waves of American immigration, which have moulded the present-day US. During this period, from around 1881-1930, almost 27million people poured into the country. The other great immigration are recognizeded as; the 1600s to the Revolutionary War of 1775, 1820-1870 and the time since the Immigration Act of 1965.
4 The population of the USA is today estimated at 295million, the third most populous nation behind China and India.
5 Of those people, 2.1million reside in prison, half of them incarcerated for violent crime. The number of crimes committed with firearms has averaged just under 400,000 in recent years.
6 Those living freely spend 47% of their disposable income in restaurants, primarily of the fast food variety. America's most-ordered restaurant foods are hamburgers, French fries and pizza. Even though salads do come in the top 10, it is estimated 30% of Americans are obese. The US fast food industry is worth around £62million per yea7 Threehree-quarters of Americans own a car and 30% of them have two or more. As a result, the average American walks just 400 yards per day.
8 Contrary to popular belief, soccer is a popular game in the US with an estimated 18million regularly playing the game. The vast majority of them, however - reckoned to be around 78% - are under 18 and cease active interest after leaving school. The split between male and female of those playing is roughly 50-50, but women are far more likely to continue playing after school.
9 USA's most famous female footballer is Mia Hamm, the world's record goalscorer - men or women - at international level. Hamm retired after the 2004 Olympics having scored 158 goals in 276 internationals. She became the youngest player to play for the national team when she won her first cap at the age of 15 and won the FIFA World Player of the Year award twice in 2001 and 2002.
Now the more astute amoung you might have noticed that is not 10. That leaves us with 2 options a) Their last point is Americans can't count or b) 10 was left out due to budget cuts. Not that the clever people at sbs would ever make a mistake although during the world cup they might have to change their name as the acronym Soccer Before Sex (SBS) might no longer apply. Any ideas for a new one?
Here's a list of 10 things that you may or may not have known about USA.
1 Some form of football was played in America as far back as the establishment of the original Jamestown settlement in 1609. The game was banned as a bad influence but after modern soccer took hold in England in the 1830s, clubs began to emerge in the US. Oneida Football Club, formed in Boston in 1862, was the first club outside of England.
2 The popularity of football dwindled as colleges preferred to play their football under Rugby, rather than Football Association, rules. Their game developed into modern gridiron. At the same time baseball also grew in popularity among immigrants and the working classes. Baseball was seen as an American pastime and people to chose to play it, rather than football, to assimilate.
3 This occurred during the largest of the four recognized waves of American immigration, which have moulded the present-day US. During this period, from around 1881-1930, almost 27million people poured into the country. The other great immigration are recognizeded as; the 1600s to the Revolutionary War of 1775, 1820-1870 and the time since the Immigration Act of 1965.
4 The population of the USA is today estimated at 295million, the third most populous nation behind China and India.
5 Of those people, 2.1million reside in prison, half of them incarcerated for violent crime. The number of crimes committed with firearms has averaged just under 400,000 in recent years.
6 Those living freely spend 47% of their disposable income in restaurants, primarily of the fast food variety. America's most-ordered restaurant foods are hamburgers, French fries and pizza. Even though salads do come in the top 10, it is estimated 30% of Americans are obese. The US fast food industry is worth around £62million per yea7 Threehree-quarters of Americans own a car and 30% of them have two or more. As a result, the average American walks just 400 yards per day.
8 Contrary to popular belief, soccer is a popular game in the US with an estimated 18million regularly playing the game. The vast majority of them, however - reckoned to be around 78% - are under 18 and cease active interest after leaving school. The split between male and female of those playing is roughly 50-50, but women are far more likely to continue playing after school.
9 USA's most famous female footballer is Mia Hamm, the world's record goalscorer - men or women - at international level. Hamm retired after the 2004 Olympics having scored 158 goals in 276 internationals. She became the youngest player to play for the national team when she won her first cap at the age of 15 and won the FIFA World Player of the Year award twice in 2001 and 2002.
Now the more astute amoung you might have noticed that is not 10. That leaves us with 2 options a) Their last point is Americans can't count or b) 10 was left out due to budget cuts. Not that the clever people at sbs would ever make a mistake although during the world cup they might have to change their name as the acronym Soccer Before Sex (SBS) might no longer apply. Any ideas for a new one?
Monday, June 05, 2006
Its all about me...mwah hahaha

Well due to some complaints about the length of my last blog I'll endeavor to make this a shorter one and due to lack of any interesting topics It will be all about me.
But before I begin let me extend my congratulations to cb and arty (both recent posters on my blog) on their engagement.
Exciting news.... I'm heading to PNG- most of you already know this but I still like to say it over and over again. On Thursday I'm heading out up to Cairns then Friday at 6 am catching flight to Port Moresby (black line) then Blue line to Ukarumpa which is where mum and dad are based and my little brother is graduating from (American system). After his grad dad and will fly to alotau (red line) and then after a few days catch a boat out to Tubetube island (8 hrs and sort of bluish line) (I couldn't get the line to curve. )This is the language group where mum and dad work. I'll try to update my blog when I'm in uka and alotau but on the island we don't have phone lines so makes it a bit hard. If you want to see some photos of my island because you can't wait until I post some go to the links on the right and there is one for photos. It is, as cinta would say: 'Beautiful.'
This was written by a pilot who writes for a magazine called Beyond and wrote this about water safety and the need for it. They did the blue line boat trip out to our island and had rather a good trip according to dad. But yes very humorous looking at it through some one else's eyes.
http://www.jaars.org/publications/archives/beyond/bey26-4.shtml . It is set out funny but you'll figure it out being highly intelligent people. Side note the boat they were on was called 'Sago' (pronounced saa gooo) which translates to mean 'help' .
Saturday, June 03, 2006
We kill the world
Any guesses on what band sings this song? Let me quote a few more lyrics
We kill the world...
Don't kill the world
don't let her down.
Do not destroy basic ground.
Don't kill the world
our means of life.
Lend ear to nature's cry.
Don't kill the world
She's all we have,
And surely is worth to save.
Don't let her die,
fight for her trees,
Pollution robs air to breathe.
Don't kill the world
help her survive
And she'll reward you with life
And don't just talk,
Go on and do the one, who wins is you.
Cherish the world,
A present from God
On behalf of all creatures,
made by the Lord
Care for the earth,
Foundation of life
Slow progress down help her survive
Doubtfully any one got it (I would be interested if anyone did as that would mean they have similar music tastes) this was 70s/80s Raggae band Boney M most famous for the song "By the rivers of Babylon" song loosely based on Psalm 137.
How about this one
O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder
Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder
Thy power throughout the universe displayed.
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee;
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee;
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
When through the woods and forest glades I wander
And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees,
When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur,
And hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze.
How Great Thou Art (Stuart K. Hine)
This one?
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
All Thy works shall praise Thy name in earth and sky and sea;
Holy, holy, holy! Merciful and mighty!
God in three Persons, blessed Trinity!
Holy, Holy, Holy! (Music by J. Dykes, Text by R. Heber)
This is my Father's world, and to my listening ears
All nature sings, and round me rings The music of the spheres.
This is my Father's world; I rest me in the thought
Of rocks and trees, of skies and seas, His hand the wonders wrought.
This is my Father's world, The birds their carols raise,
The morning light, the lily white, Declare their Maker’s praise.
This is my Father's world; He shines in all that’s fair;
In the rustling grass I hear Him pass, He speaks to me everywhere
This Is My Father's World (Music by Franklin Sheppard; Text by Malthie Babcock)
When I tell people that I do Marine biology and that I'm a Christian many people sem to look at me as if I have dodgy theology. I mean how can you be a Christian Conservationist. And that is from my Christian friend- my non Christian friends look at me as if I'm on my own crusade to try and right the wrongs that have been cause to the environment by our Judeo-Christian heritage. The thought Man is to have dominion and rule over the earth justifies that what could be done, should be done thus nature is destroyed with out any long term views to the future or to the ecological crisis that we currently have on hand. At this point med students and pharmacy students are probably thinking "What Global Crisis?"
Well let me tell you Land is being converted and habitats destroyed at an increasing rate. Some estimate that three species are becoming extinct every day. On a per-head basis, Australia has the highest greenhouse gas emissions in the developed world, a third higher than the United States and more than double the rich-country average.Land is being degraded by overuse of fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides. Hazardous chemicals and wastes are finding their way into the environment. Pollution is rapidly ceasing to be a local problem and is becoming a global problem. The atmosphere's ability to regulate itself is being perturbed by excess carbon dioxide, CFC's, and other gases. Human cultures that know how to live in harmony with nature are rapidly disappearing.
So my friends I think it is a problem and this is whaI i was trying to show with the Hymns earlier-God has given us his creation and even by it people have been converted. This is a Valuable tool of evangelism and we are destroying it.
So does this mean we should go out and chain ourselves to trees. NO
I was approached by a Christian greenie group at one stage who are very good at going about this the wrong way. Have a look at their lent suggestions Green up your lent. Restoring Eden suggests the way to remember God is not to drive your car or eat meat or dairy. HMMM
Even the Late Pope had a thought to fix the world though again sort of off track
"At the conclusion of this Message, I should like to address directly my brothers and sisters in the Catholic Church, in order to remind them of their serious obligation to care for all creation. The commitment of believers to a healthy environment for everyone stems directly from their belief in God the Creator, from their recognition of the effects of original and personal sin, and from the certainty of having been redeemed by Christ. Respect for life and for the dignity of the human person extends also to the rest of creation, which is called to join man in praising God (cf. Ps 148:96).
In 1979, I proclaimed Saint Francis of Assisi as the heavenly patron of those who promote ecology (cf. Apostolic Letter Inter Sanctos: AAS 71 [1979], 1509f). He offers Christians an example of genuine and deep respect for the integrity of creation. As a friend of the poor who was loved by God's creatures, Saint Francis invited all of creation's animals, plants, natural forces, even Brother Sun and Sister Moon to give honor and praise to the Lord. The poor man of Assisi gives us striking witness that when we are at peace with God we are better able to devote ourselves to building up that peace with all creation which is inseparable from peace among all peoples." (From the Vatican address, 8 December 1989)
St Francis of Assisi of course was the one who wrote that "Hymn All Creatures Of Our God And King" which thanks to Mr Bean can never sung seriously in church again.
So what as Christians should we do?
The true answer lies in a Christian environmental ethic based on the reality of God as Creator and man as his image-bearer and steward.
God is the Creator of all things. The creation is not part of His essence (Gen. 1, 2; Job 38-41; Ps. 19:1, 24:1-2, 104; Rom. 1:18-20; Col. 1:16-17).
All of nature is equal in its origin, including man.
Nature has value in and of itself because God created it.
The rock, tree, and cat deserve our respect because God made them to be as they are.
While man is a creature, he is also created in God's image (Gen. 1:26-27; Ps. 139:13-16).
Man is therefore separated from creation yet related to it.
While a cat is not to be romanticized as though it had human emotions, as Christians we respect it as having value since God made it. The cat's purpose is to glorify its Creator.
Man was given dominion over nature.
Man is not sovereign over the lower orders of creation. He does not own them. They belong to the Lord.
Since man was told to cultivate and keep the garden, we certainly may use nature, but only as God intends (Gen. 2:15). An example is the parable of the talents (Matt. 25:15-30). Technology puts nature to man's use, but unnecessary pollution and waste degrades nature.
We are to exercise dominion over nature not as though we are entitled to exploit it, but as something borrowed or held in trust.
We kill the world...
Don't kill the world
don't let her down.
Do not destroy basic ground.
Don't kill the world
our means of life.
Lend ear to nature's cry.
Don't kill the world
She's all we have,
And surely is worth to save.
Don't let her die,
fight for her trees,
Pollution robs air to breathe.
Don't kill the world
help her survive
And she'll reward you with life
And don't just talk,
Go on and do the one, who wins is you.
Cherish the world,
A present from God
On behalf of all creatures,
made by the Lord
Care for the earth,
Foundation of life
Slow progress down help her survive
Doubtfully any one got it (I would be interested if anyone did as that would mean they have similar music tastes) this was 70s/80s Raggae band Boney M most famous for the song "By the rivers of Babylon" song loosely based on Psalm 137.
How about this one
O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder
Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder
Thy power throughout the universe displayed.
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee;
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee;
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
When through the woods and forest glades I wander
And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees,
When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur,
And hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze.
How Great Thou Art (Stuart K. Hine)
This one?
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
All Thy works shall praise Thy name in earth and sky and sea;
Holy, holy, holy! Merciful and mighty!
God in three Persons, blessed Trinity!
Holy, Holy, Holy! (Music by J. Dykes, Text by R. Heber)
This is my Father's world, and to my listening ears
All nature sings, and round me rings The music of the spheres.
This is my Father's world; I rest me in the thought
Of rocks and trees, of skies and seas, His hand the wonders wrought.
This is my Father's world, The birds their carols raise,
The morning light, the lily white, Declare their Maker’s praise.
This is my Father's world; He shines in all that’s fair;
In the rustling grass I hear Him pass, He speaks to me everywhere
This Is My Father's World (Music by Franklin Sheppard; Text by Malthie Babcock)
When I tell people that I do Marine biology and that I'm a Christian many people sem to look at me as if I have dodgy theology. I mean how can you be a Christian Conservationist. And that is from my Christian friend- my non Christian friends look at me as if I'm on my own crusade to try and right the wrongs that have been cause to the environment by our Judeo-Christian heritage. The thought Man is to have dominion and rule over the earth justifies that what could be done, should be done thus nature is destroyed with out any long term views to the future or to the ecological crisis that we currently have on hand. At this point med students and pharmacy students are probably thinking "What Global Crisis?"
Well let me tell you Land is being converted and habitats destroyed at an increasing rate. Some estimate that three species are becoming extinct every day. On a per-head basis, Australia has the highest greenhouse gas emissions in the developed world, a third higher than the United States and more than double the rich-country average.Land is being degraded by overuse of fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides. Hazardous chemicals and wastes are finding their way into the environment. Pollution is rapidly ceasing to be a local problem and is becoming a global problem. The atmosphere's ability to regulate itself is being perturbed by excess carbon dioxide, CFC's, and other gases. Human cultures that know how to live in harmony with nature are rapidly disappearing.
So my friends I think it is a problem and this is whaI i was trying to show with the Hymns earlier-God has given us his creation and even by it people have been converted. This is a Valuable tool of evangelism and we are destroying it.
So does this mean we should go out and chain ourselves to trees. NO
I was approached by a Christian greenie group at one stage who are very good at going about this the wrong way. Have a look at their lent suggestions Green up your lent. Restoring Eden suggests the way to remember God is not to drive your car or eat meat or dairy. HMMM
Even the Late Pope had a thought to fix the world though again sort of off track
"At the conclusion of this Message, I should like to address directly my brothers and sisters in the Catholic Church, in order to remind them of their serious obligation to care for all creation. The commitment of believers to a healthy environment for everyone stems directly from their belief in God the Creator, from their recognition of the effects of original and personal sin, and from the certainty of having been redeemed by Christ. Respect for life and for the dignity of the human person extends also to the rest of creation, which is called to join man in praising God (cf. Ps 148:96).
In 1979, I proclaimed Saint Francis of Assisi as the heavenly patron of those who promote ecology (cf. Apostolic Letter Inter Sanctos: AAS 71 [1979], 1509f). He offers Christians an example of genuine and deep respect for the integrity of creation. As a friend of the poor who was loved by God's creatures, Saint Francis invited all of creation's animals, plants, natural forces, even Brother Sun and Sister Moon to give honor and praise to the Lord. The poor man of Assisi gives us striking witness that when we are at peace with God we are better able to devote ourselves to building up that peace with all creation which is inseparable from peace among all peoples." (From the Vatican address, 8 December 1989)
St Francis of Assisi of course was the one who wrote that "Hymn All Creatures Of Our God And King" which thanks to Mr Bean can never sung seriously in church again.
So what as Christians should we do?
The true answer lies in a Christian environmental ethic based on the reality of God as Creator and man as his image-bearer and steward.
God is the Creator of all things. The creation is not part of His essence (Gen. 1, 2; Job 38-41; Ps. 19:1, 24:1-2, 104; Rom. 1:18-20; Col. 1:16-17).
All of nature is equal in its origin, including man.
Nature has value in and of itself because God created it.
The rock, tree, and cat deserve our respect because God made them to be as they are.
While man is a creature, he is also created in God's image (Gen. 1:26-27; Ps. 139:13-16).
Man is therefore separated from creation yet related to it.
While a cat is not to be romanticized as though it had human emotions, as Christians we respect it as having value since God made it. The cat's purpose is to glorify its Creator.
Man was given dominion over nature.
Man is not sovereign over the lower orders of creation. He does not own them. They belong to the Lord.
Since man was told to cultivate and keep the garden, we certainly may use nature, but only as God intends (Gen. 2:15). An example is the parable of the talents (Matt. 25:15-30). Technology puts nature to man's use, but unnecessary pollution and waste degrades nature.
We are to exercise dominion over nature not as though we are entitled to exploit it, but as something borrowed or held in trust.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Well I've was told I had to create one of these. But I didn't want to. I can't think of much worse things than a public record of my bad spelling and then having people who don't even have the guts to write their real name take pot shots at simple things you've done wrong just because you don't have time to proof read things because hey- I have a life. Not like some people who will remain nameless and sit at computers at work and then return home and sit at their computer there too. No mentioning any names but here is a link to their blog. The person who shall remain nameless Which leads me to another question How much human contact does one need to stay sane. I mean I don't suffer from insanity I enjoy every moment of it, (had to put that in before someone else did) (Not that anyone else currently knows about this blog) (maybe I'll just post things from me myself and I and pretend I have friends) but surely w/o human contact you suffer. And I mean face to face contact using more than one of your senses- not chatting on-line which destroys vocab-c? LOL. Or on the phone or 2-way radio (which has left dad with an annoying tendency to say over in phone calls) but face to face. Tell me what you think.
'Sane or Sanity considered as a legal term denotes that an individual is of sound mind and therefore can bear legal responsibility for his or her actions. It is generally defined in terms of the absence of insanity. It is not a medical term, although the opinions of medical experts are often important in making a legal decision as to whether someone is sane or insane. It is also not the same concept as mental illness. One can be acting under profound mental illness and yet be sane, and one can also be ruled insane without an underlying mental illness.
Sanity outside of legal definitions has been little explored by science and medicine, as the concentration has been on illness. Dr. P.S. Graven suggested the term "un-sane" to describe a condition that is not exactly insane, but not quite sane either.' (wikipedia)
'Sane or Sanity considered as a legal term denotes that an individual is of sound mind and therefore can bear legal responsibility for his or her actions. It is generally defined in terms of the absence of insanity. It is not a medical term, although the opinions of medical experts are often important in making a legal decision as to whether someone is sane or insane. It is also not the same concept as mental illness. One can be acting under profound mental illness and yet be sane, and one can also be ruled insane without an underlying mental illness.
Sanity outside of legal definitions has been little explored by science and medicine, as the concentration has been on illness. Dr. P.S. Graven suggested the term "un-sane" to describe a condition that is not exactly insane, but not quite sane either.' (wikipedia)
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