Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Bible thought

What do you do when a organizer of a good christian event continually quotes the bible out of context?


Chris Inness said...

hmmm what sort of setting?

Tim said...

group- selling it to christians

Chris Inness said...

By continually I am going to take that to mean that this individual is at a number of events through out the year is miss using scripture?

How well do you know them? And what sort of position do they hold? - (Don't answer these as it will give it away but I think they are important to think through)

If it is someone in a position above you I would suggest that you may need to get someone else involved. EG if it were Dave Mc going to one of the Elders.

I would the first time go up to him/her and say "You said this I was looking at this and XXX". I would approach it as a discussion asking a question.

Just some thoughts